Microsoft WebView2 – A new friend for native apps!

Now, we can embed web content (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in our native applications with Microsoft Edge WebView2. Earlier, it was announced only for Win32 C/C++ apps but later, it was announced available for use in .NET 5, .NET Core, and .NET Framework Windows Forms and WPF applications.

It uses the modern Microsoft Edge (Chromium) platform to host web content within native Windows applications.


In the future, the Evergreen WebView2 Runtime plans to ship with future releases of Windows. Deploy the Runtime with your production app until the Runtime becomes more universally available.

Microsoft recommendation

Power of Native

With growing presence of online world, desktop applications are pushed to use more of online like capabilities. Further, web solution also helps reuse most of the code across different platforms and easy change delivery. This is leading desktop applications more and more towards hybrid approach where best of both (native and web) can be leveraged.

Credit: Microsoft

Microsoft WebView2 comes to rescue. It helps build powerful applications with controlled access to native capabilities.

WebView2 uses the same process model as the Microsoft Edge browser. A browser process is associated with only one user data folder. A request process that specifies more than one user data folder is associated with the same number of browser processes.

Credit: Microsoft

More details about browser process model can be read here.

WebView2 apps create a user data folder to store data such as cookies, credentials, permissions, and so on. After creating the folder, your app is responsible for managing the lifetime of the user data folder, including clean up when the app is uninstalled

Microsoft – Managing user data folder

Microsoft has laid here some best practices for developing secure WebView2 application.


When distributing your WebView2 app, ensure the backing web platform, the WebView2 Runtime, is present before the app starts.

By default, WebView2 is evergreen and receives automatic updates to stay on the latest and most secure platform.

  • Evergreen Bootstrapper – a tiny installer that downloads the Evergreen Runtime matching device architecture and installs it locally.
  • Evergreen Standalone Installer – a full-blown installer that can install the Evergreen Runtime in offline environment.
  • Fixed Version – to select and package a specific version of the WebView2 Runtime with your application.

The WebView2 Runtime is a redistributable runtime and serves as the backing web platform for WebView2 apps.


Download the runtime from here. Supported platforms are mentioned here.

Sample Application

I built a sample WPF application (runs on .NET Framework and not Core) to try WebView2. This was to evaluate how comparatively older .NET applications would work out.


I tried to display my blog in the WPF application using a WebView2 control. Sample application had capabilities to post message to host application and back as well as hook events as per need.

public MainWindow()

    // NavigationEvents
    webView.NavigationStarting += WebView_NavigationStarting; ;
    webView.SourceChanged += WebView_SourceChanged;
    webView.ContentLoading += WebView_ContentLoading;
    webView.NavigationCompleted += WebView_NavigationCompleted;

    // Embedded at CoreWebView2 level

/// <summary>
/// initialization of CoreWebView2 is asynchronous.
/// </summary>
async private void InitializeOnceCoreWebView2Intialized()
    await webView.EnsureCoreWebView2Async(null);

    // Hook other events
    webView.CoreWebView2.FrameNavigationStarting += CoreWebView2_FrameNavigationStarting;
    webView.CoreWebView2.HistoryChanged += CoreWebView2_HistoryChanged;

    // For communication host to webview & vice versa
    webView.CoreWebView2.WebMessageReceived += CoreWebView2_WebMessageReceived;
    await webView.CoreWebView2.AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedAsync(";");
    await webView.CoreWebView2.AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedAsync("\'message\', event => alert(\'Message from App to WebView2 on navigation!\'));");

/// <summary>
/// Web content in a WebView2 control may post a message to the host 
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void CoreWebView2_WebMessageReceived(object sender, CoreWebView2WebMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
    // Retrieve message from Webview2
    String uri = e.TryGetWebMessageAsString();
    addressBar.Text = uri;

    // Send message to Webview2
    log.Content = $"Address bar updated ({uri}) based on WebView2 message!";

/// <summary>
/// Execute URL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void ButtonGo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Uri uri = new Uri(addressBar.Text);

        if (webView != null && webView.CoreWebView2 != null)
    catch (UriFormatException)
        MessageBox.Show("Please enter correct format of url!");

/// <summary>
/// Allow only HTTPS calls
/// WebView2 starts to navigate and the navigation results in a network request. 
/// The host may disallow the request during the event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void WebView_NavigationStarting(object sender, CoreWebView2NavigationStartingEventArgs e)
    String uri = e.Uri;
    if (!uri.StartsWith("https://"))
        e.Cancel = true;
        //MessageBox.Show("Only HTTPS allowed!");

        // Inject JavaScript code into WebView2 controls at runtime
        webView.CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptAsync($"alert('{uri} is not safe, try an https link please.')");

Various events run when specific asynchronous actions occur to the content displayed in a WebView2 instance.

NavigationStartingWebView2 starts to navigate and the navigation results in a network request. The host may disallow the request during the event.
SourceChangedThe source of WebView2 changes to a new URL. The event may result from a navigation action that does not cause a network request such as a fragment navigation.
ContentLoadingWebView starts loading content for the new page.
HistoryChangedThe navigation causes the history of WebView2 to update.
NavigationCompletedWebView2 completes loading content on the new page.
ProcessFailedTo react to crashes and hangs in the browser and renderer processes
CloseTo safely shut down associated browser and renderer processes
Key events

Working with the sample application, I was able to display a webpage, intercept calls both ways and embed message/code to my need. It provides all the capabilities that seems to be needed for a stable web app display control.

Complete sample application can be downloaded from here:


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Microsoft .NET 5 – all you need to know

As announced earlier, Microsoft released .NET 5 on Nov. 10 during .NET Conf 2020. It’s a major release with many new features and improvements to .NET Core 3. Keeping cross platform support and open source development as key base, going forward it kind of merges off .NET Framework and .NET Core.



Microsoft started it’s journey of cross platform and open source in 2015. .NET 5 is a major milestone of this transition as .NET Framework 4.8 was the last major version of .NET Framework. Microsoft published a blog to explain how .NET 5 relates to .NET Framework.

.NET 5.0 is the main implementation of .NET going forward and .NET Framework 4.x is still supported.

Source: Microsoft
Source: Microsoft

.NET 5 has been called as .NET Core vNext for quite some time now. It has following key principles:

– Produce a single .NET runtime and framework that can be used everywhere and that has uniform runtime behaviors and developer experiences.

– Expand the capabilities of .NET by taking the best of .NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin and Mono.

– Build that product out of a single code-base that developers (Microsoft and the community) can work on and expand together and that improves all scenarios.



There are many improvements in .NET 5 like:

  • Performance across many components
  • Performance in .NET Libraries
  • Language C# 9 & F# 5
  • Application deployment options
  • Platform scope (includes Windows Arm64 & WebAssembly)

Details about these enhancements are here. and are already running on .NET 5 for months now



You need Visual Studio 16.8 or later to use .NET 5.0 on Windows and the latest version of Visual Studio for Mac on macOS. Latest C# extension for Visual Studio Code already supports .NET 5.0 and C# 9.


There are few breaking changes with upgrade to .NET 5:

  • while migrating from version 3.1 of .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, or EF Core to version 5.0 of .NET, ASP.NET Core, or EF Core are captured here.
  • in Roslyn in C# 9.0 introduced with .NET 5 are captured here.
  • for migration from .NET Framework to .NET Core are captured here.
  • obsolete features in .NET 5 are captured here.


.NET 5 does not have few of the known technologies:

  • ASP.NET WebForms – Microsoft’s recommendation is to move to Blazor
  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) – Microsoft’s recommendation is to use gRPC
  • Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) – recommendation is to look at CoreWF, a form of WF runtime


.NET 5 helps if you have cross-platform needs or targeting microservices or want to use Docker containers. Based on how it is setup underlying, it helps in designing high-performance and scalable systems.

.NET 5 supports side-by-side installation of different versions of the .NET 5 runtime on the same machine. This allows multiple services or applications on the same server running on their own version of .NET 5 variant.

A detailed analysis and shareout can be read here.

Wrap Up

.NET 5 is a major step of the .NET journey planned ahead. Next would be .NET 6 next year (late in 2021), which will also be a long term (multi year) supported (LTS) version.

Microsoft is working towards a defined vision – same .NET API and languages working across operating system, application types and architectures.

With active support to previous .NET versions, we have time to assess, plan and adapt the new path.

Keep exploring!

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Just reverse alphabets in a string?

Last week it was a simple problem that we discussed to tangle our brain.


Reverse only alphabets in a provided string in a most efficient way. (Special characters, numbers, etc should continue to stay at their original place)

First thought …

Okay, so first thought was to make use of an extra space and then we can get our desired result with two traversals of the string. Yeah, but let’s optimize.

Updated thought …

We can make the swaps in place in a single traversal. A good stopping criteria seems to be when index while moving from front crosses the index moving backwards from end.

Let’s write code:

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine($"Please enter a string:");

    // Ignore casing
    var inputString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
    char[] inputArray = inputString.ToCharArray();
            $"Reversed: {new String(inputArray)}");

static void ReverseAlphabetsOnly(char[] inputArray)
    int frontIndex = 0;
    int endIndex = inputArray.Length-1;
    char temp;

    while(frontIndex < endIndex)
        else if(!IsAlphabet(inputArray[endIndex]))
            temp = inputArray[frontIndex];
                 = inputArray[endIndex];
            inputArray[endIndex] = temp;


static bool IsAlphabet(char x) 
    return ( (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z') 
            || (x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z') ); 

// Input:  Le@rn By In$ig#t...
// Output: tg@in Iy Bn$re#L...

Closure …

Approach looks good, as it would be at maximum a single traversal with no extra space used. Thus we are able to solve it with an overall Order of Time complexity O(n) & Space complexity O(1).

Happy solving …

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Dynamic Programming – What, How & When

There are many programming techniques, which when applied appropriately to specific situation, leads to efficient results (either time wise or space wise or both). Dynamic Programming (DP) is one such optimization concept.


Not to be confused with Dynamic programming language or Dynamic type in C#

What is?

Dynamic programming is solving a complicated problem by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems and make use of past solved sub-problems.

Dynamic Programming is mainly an optimization over plain recursion.

Let’s use Fibonacci series as an example to understand this in detail.

Fibonacci Series is a sequence, such that each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…

When to?

It is best applied to problems that exhibits Overlapping Subproblems & Optimal Substructure.

Following is how our Fibonacci problem fib(4) breakdown would look like:

Problem tree for fib(4)

We can see that fib(0), fib(1) & fib(2) are occurring multiple times in the graph. These are overlapping subproblems.

Binary search tree would not fall into same category. There would no common subproblem by binary search definition itself.

We can see for optimal solution of fib(4), we would need optimal solution of fib(3) & fib(2) and so on. This tells it has optimal substructure.

Longest path problem does not exhibit as such. Optimal solution for longest distance between A & C might not be optimal for B & C that involves A.

How to?

It’s not an unknown or a new technique. Our brain do it almost all the time. Let’s use Fibonacci series as an example to understand this and then we will apply DP to solve it programmatically.

Logically …

Let’s say, I ask, what is the 4th number in the Fibonacci series? You would work from 0, 1, 1, etc and come to fib(4) = 2. Now, if I ask, what is the 5th number? Would you restart from 0, 1, 1..? Or you would just make use of fib(4) you just solved and get fib(5)?

You see – it’s obvious, you will make use of previous solved result and right away come up with fib(5) instead of starting from 0. In programming language, this is tabulation using calculated fib(4) & fib(3).

Tabulation is a technique of starting from smallest sub-problem and storing the results of entries until target value is reached.

Let’s say, now I ask to calculate fib(8). Our natural way of working on it would be to first find fib(7) & fib(6). In order to know fib(7), we will figure out fib(6) & fib(5) and hence forth. With fib(7), we already traversed through fib(6). This is another approach where we calculated the next subproblem and keep on storing them in case of need later. In programming language, this is memoization.

Memoization is a technique of storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again.

DP breaks the problem into sub-problems and uses memoization or tabulation to optimize. We will understand about them with examples below.

Programmatically in action …

In order to compare the optimization cost, we will use recursion as another way to solve the problem.

static void Main(string[] args)
    Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

    Console.WriteLine($"Fibonacci Recursive:");
    for (int i = 30; i <= 50; i+=5)
        var _ = FibonacciRecursive(i);
        Console.WriteLine($"{i}th took time: ({stopwatch.Elapsed})");

    Console.WriteLine($"Dynamic Programming:");
    for (int i = 30; i <= 50; i+=5)
        var _ = FibonacciDPTabulation(i);
        Console.WriteLine($"{i}th took time: ({stopwatch.Elapsed})");

static long FibonacciRecursive(int number)
    if (number <= 1)
        return number;
    return FibonacciRecursive(number-2) + FibonacciRecursive(number - 1);

static long FibonacciDPTabulation(int number)
    long[] arr = new long[100];
    arr[0] = 1; arr[1] = 1; 
    for( int x=2; x <= number; x++)
        arr[x] = arr[x-1] + arr[x-2];
    return arr[number];

With above code, we got the following output:

 RecursiveDP (Tabulation)DP (Memoization)
30th took time(00:00:00.0090536)(00:00:00.0002756)(00:00:00.0183122)
35th took time(00:00:00.0908688)(00:00:00.0000037)(00:00:00.0000009)
40th took time(00:00:00.9856354)(00:00:00.0000006)(00:00:00.0000011)
45th took time(00:00:10.7981258)(00:00:00.0000006)(00:00:00.0000008)
50th took time(00:02:24.8694889)(00:00:00.0000006)(00:00:00.0000008)

Difference is astonishing! DP is too fast in comparison. Just look at the 50th time difference.

With simple iterative approach, Fibonacci Series can be calculated in the same ballpark time as of DP. Current example is just to keep things simple and to understand the DP concept. Please look at the end of post for common examples that would clarify where DP would be of real help over recursion. (& iterative approach would be difficult to code)

Above approach of DP is considered Bottom-Up approach as we started with bottom (lowest term) and then moved to the highest one. This is tabulation. We keep on filling on the cache here till we reach the target.

Alternatively, there is a Top-down approach. We start solving from highest term and store solutions of sub problems along the way. This is memoization. A code for this approach would look like:

private static Dictionary<int, long> memo 
                    = new Dictionary<int, long>();

static long FibonacciDPMemoization(int number)
    if (number == 0 || number == 1) {
        return number;
    // see if we've already calculated this
    if (memo.ContainsKey(number)) {                
        return memo.GetValueOrDefault(number);

    long result = FibonacciDPMemoization(number - 1) 
                + FibonacciDPMemoization(number - 2);
    memo.Add(number, result);

    return result;

memoization is sometimes simpler to understand and write code because of it’s natural way of solving.

Generally, tabulation outperformes memoization by a constant factor. This is because of no overhead for recursion and can be stored as a pre-allocated array. We first calculate and store the value of a sub problem repeated most number of times here.

Few Common Examples?

  • Tower of Hanoi
  • Checkerboard
  • Egg dropping puzzle
  • Matrix chain multiplication

Details of these above problem can be read here.


Apart from avoiding problems that do not have Overlapping Subproblems & Optimal Substructure, one need to understand we are doing a trade here – space for time!

We can always discuss that though DP is using extra space to store the sub-problems data, but in turn helps save in memory calculation which could be expensive. Thus, in case of constrained space, we need to evaluate usage of DP.

Keep learning!

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Any anagram of a string, a palindrome?

Often in our group we discuss about puzzles or problems related to data structure and algorithms. One such day, we discussed about:

how will we find if any anagram of a string is palindrome or not?

Our first thought went in the direction to start from first character and then traverse till end to see if there could be matching pair. Keep track of it, move to next character till middle and then stitch all to figure if so. It solves, but the query was – could it be solved better though?

Of course! With putting some stress on the brain, it turned out that in a single read, we will have info enough, to tell, if any anagram formed from the input string can be a palindrome or not.

Thought converted to Code

static void CheckIfStringAnagramHasPalindrome()
    Console.WriteLine($"Please enter a string:");

    // Ignore casing
    var inputString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

    // Just need to keep track of unique characters
    var characterSet = new HashSet<char>();

    // Single traversal of input string 
    for(int i=0; i<inputString.Length; i++)
        char currentCharacter = inputString[i];

    // Character counts in set will help 
    // identify if palindrome possible 
    var leftChars = characterSet.Count;
    if(leftChars == 0 || leftChars == 1)
        Console.WriteLine($"YES - possible.");
        Console.WriteLine($"NO - Not possible.");

Approach looked good, as with a single traversal and usage of HashSet, i.e. with overall Order of Time complexity O(n) & Space complexity O(1), we were able to solve it.

It was fun solving!

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Read from console in VS Code

I moved to Apple Mac late last year because of different set of technologies now I work in. As shared in one of my previous posts, I use Visual Studio Code for programming in Python exploring Machine Learning. Though, for anything in .NET, I switch to a Windows VM and use Visual Studio.

For quick console apps, it feels painful to switch to a VM and work. Thus, I looked and installed C# extension in VS Code to try of. Details are here.

While running a console app, I got stuck to read any value from Console. In debug mode, IDE would stop on the Console.ReadLine() but whatever I type in Console would not go through.

I looked around and found that there are few settings for Console in VS Code. The console setting controls what console (terminal) window the target app is launched into.

"internalConsole" (default) : This does NOT work for applications that want to read from the console (ex: Console.ReadLine).

How to Solve it?

Suggested way to take input is to set the console setting as integratedTerminal. This is a configuration setting in the launch.json file under .vscode folder.

"integratedTerminal" : the target process will run inside VS Code’s integrated terminal (Terminal tab in the tab group beneath the editor). Alternatively add "internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen" to make it so that the default foreground tab is the terminal tab.

Change the default setting like below:


With above change, the input and output will happen through integrated terminal like:


So far, it looks good and seems I will stick to Visual Studio Code on Mac for quick console applications.

Reference here.

Keep learning!

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New C# features I really liked!

There has been many new features added to C# over last few years. A recent survey in CodeProject community lead me to the thought of sharing what I find really helpful. It spreads from C# 6.0 to C# 8.0. Below few made writing code easy, more fun and have improved productivity.

Null Conditional Operator (?. & ?[])

They make null checks much easier and fluid. Add a ? just before the the member access . or indexer access [] that can be null. It short-circuits and returns null for assignment.

// safegaurd against NullReferenceException

if(address != null)
   var street = address.StreetName;
var street = address?.StreetName;

// safegaurd against IndexOutOfRangeException

if(row != null && row[0] != null)
   int data = row[0].SomeCount;
int? data = row?[0]?.SomeCount;

Null Coalescing Operator (?? & ??=)

Null-coalescing operator ?? helps to assign default value if the properties is null. Often, used along with null conditional operator.

if(address == null)
   var street = "NA";
var street = address?.StreetName ?? "NA"; 

Null-coalescing assignment operator ??= helps to assign the value of its right-hand operand to its left-hand operand only if the left-hand operand evaluates to null.

The left-hand operand of the ??= operator must be a variable, a property, or an indexer element

int? i = null;

if(i == null)
   i = 0;

Console.WriteLine(i);  // output: 0
int? i = null;

i ??= 0;
Console.WriteLine(i);  // output: 0

String Interpolation ($)

It enables to embed expressions in a string. With a special character $ to identify a string literal as an interpolated string. Interpolation expressions are replaced by the string representations of the expression results in the result string.

string address = string.Format("{0},{1}", HouseNo, StreetName);

log.Write("Address: "+ HouseNo.ToLower() + "," + StreetName);
string address = $"{HouseNo}, {StreetName}";

log.Write($"Address: {HouseNo.ToLower()}, {StreetName}");

Auto-Property Initializer

It helps declare the initial value for a property as part of the property declaration itself.

Language _currentLanguage = Language.English;
public Language CurrentLanguage
   get { return _currentLanguage; }
   set { _currentLanguage = value; }

// OR

// Improvement in C# 3.0
public Language CurrentLanguage { get; set; }

public MyClass()
    CurrentLanguage = Language.English;
public Language CurrentLanguage { get; set; } = Language.English;

using static

It helps to import the enum or static methods of a single class.

public class Enums
    public enum Language

// Another file
public class MyClass
    public Enums.Language CurrentLanguage { get; set; };
public class Enums
    public enum Language

// Another file
using static mynamespace.Enums

public class MyClass
    public Language CurrentLanguage { get; set; };


They are lightweight data structures that contain multiple fields to represent the data members.

# Initialize Way 1
(string First, string Second) ranks = ("1", "2");
Console.WriteLine($"{ranks.First}, {ranks.Second}");

# Initialize Way 2
var ranks = (First: "1", Second: "2");
Console.WriteLine($"{ranks.First}, {ranks.Second}");

It support == and !=

Expression bodied get/set accessors

With it, members can be implemented as expressions.

public string Title
    get { return _title; }
       this._title = value ?? "Default - Hello";
public string Title
    get => _title;
    set => this._title = value ?? "Default - Hello";

Access modifier: private protected

A new compound access modifier: private protected to indicate a member accessible by containing class or by derived classes that are declared in the same assembly. One more level of abstraction compared to protected internal.

// Assembly1.cs
public class BaseClass
    private protected int myValue = 0;

public class DerivedClass1 : BaseClass
    void Access()
        var baseObject = new BaseClass();

        // Error CS1540, because myValue can only be
        // accessed by classes derived from BaseClass
        // baseObject.myValue = 5;

        // OK, accessed through the current 
        // derived class instance
        myValue = 5;

// Assembly2.cs
// Compile with: /reference:Assembly1.dll
class DerivedClass2 : BaseClass
    void Access()
        // Error CS0122, because myValue can only
        // be accessed by types in Assembly1
        // myValue = 10;


It helps suspend evaluation of the enclosing async method until the asynchronous operation represented by its operand completes. On completion, it returns result of the operation if any.

It does not blocks the thread that evaluates async method, instead suspends the enclosing async method and returns to the caller of the method.

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class AwaitOperatorDemo
    // async Main method allowed since C# 7.1 
    public static async Task Main()
        Task<int> downloading = DownloadProfileAsync();
        Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Main)}: Started download.");

        int bytesLoaded = await downloading;
        Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Main)}: Downloaded {bytesLoaded} bytes.");

    private static async Task<int> DownloadProfileAsync()
        Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(DownloadProfileAsync)}: Starting download.");

        var client = new HttpClient();
        // time taking call - await and move on
        byte[] content = await client.GetByteArrayAsync("");

        Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(DownloadProfileAsync)}: Finished download.");
        return content.Length;

// Output:
// DownloadProfileAsync: Starting download.
// Main: Started download.
// DownloadProfileAsync: Finished download.
// Main: Downloaded 27700 bytes.

Default Interface methods

Now, we can add members to interfaces and provide a default implementation for those members. It helps in supporting backward compatibility. There would be no breaking change to existing interface consumers. Existing implementations inherit the default implementation.

public interface ICustomer
    DateTime DateJoined { get; }
    string Name { get; }

    // Later added to interface:
    public string Contact()
       return "contact not provided";

Wrap up

There are many more additions to C#. Believe, above are few that one should know and use in their day to day coding right away (if not already doing it). Most of it helps us with being more concise and avoid convoluted code.


Keep learning!

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Quick look into SignalR

Last year, I was looking into various ways of communication between client and server for one of my project work. Evaluated SignalR too as one of the options. I found decent documentation online to put across a test app to see how it works.


SignalR is a free and open-source software library for Microsoft ASP.NET that provides ability to server-side code push content to the connected clients in real-time.

Pushing data from the server to the client (not just browser clients) has always been a tough problem. SignalR makes it dead easy and handles all the heavy lifting for you.

Detailed documentation can be found at:

Most of the shareout online considers it as ASP.NET/Web application solution only which is not true. As mentioned in quote above, client could be a non-browser too like a desktop application.

I gathered that behind the scenes, SignalR primarily tries to use Web Socket protocol to send data. WebSocket is a new HTML5 API (refer my detailed article on it) that enables bi-directional communication between the client and server. In case of any compatibility gap, SignalR uses other protocols like long polling.

P.S.: Since most of the code to make the test app was picked from web, all the credit to them. One specific source that I can recall:

Now, a quick peek into the SignalR test app
  • Using the SignalR Hub class to setup the server. Defined a hub that exposes a method like an end point for clients to send a message. Server can process the message and send back a response to all or few of the clients.
public class TestHub : Hub
    public void ProcessMessageFromClient(string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"<Client sent:> {message}");

        // Do some processing with the client request and send the response back
        string newMessage = $"<Service sent>: Client message back in upper case: {message.ToUpper()}";

  • Specify which “origins” we want to allow our application to accept. It is setup via CORS configuration. CORS is a security concept that allows end points from different domains to interact with each other.
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

  • Server is setup using OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET). OWIN defines an abstraction between .NET web servers and web applications. This helps in self-hosting a web application in a process, outside of IIS.
static void Main(string[] args)
    string url = @"http://localhost:8080/";

    using (WebApp.Start<Startup>(url))
        Console.WriteLine($"============ SERVER ============");
        Console.WriteLine($"Server running at {url}");
        Console.WriteLine("Wait for clients message requests for server to respond OR");
        Console.WriteLine("Type any message - it will be broadcast to all clients.");

        // For server broadcast test
        // Get hub context 
        IHubContext ctx = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<TestHub>();

        string line = null;
        while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != null)
            string newMessage = $"<Server sent:> {line}";

        // pause to allow clients to receive

In above code, Using IHubContext:

  1. Server is setup to have earlier defined Hub as one of the broadcast end point.
  2. Server is also setup to broadcast any message to all clients by itself if needed be

  • Client is setup to communicate with the server (send and receive message) via hub using HubConnection & IHubProxy. Client can invoke the exposed end point in the hub to a send a message.
static void Main(string[] args)
    string url = @"http://localhost:8080/";

    var connection = new HubConnection(url);
    IHubProxy _hub = connection.CreateHubProxy("TestHub");

    // For server side initiation of messages
    _hub.On("MessageFromServer", x => Console.WriteLine(x));
    _hub.On("ResponseToClientMessage", x => Console.WriteLine(x));

    Console.WriteLine($"============ CLIENT ============");
    Console.WriteLine("Type any message - it will be sent as a request to server for a response.");

    string line = null;
    while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != null)
        // Send message to Server
        _hub.Invoke("ProcessMessageFromClient", line).Wait();


With above setup, we can see the communication between Client & Server realtime like below:

SignalR test

Things to consider while opting for SignalR

SignalR looks awesome. But, there are couple of things one should know while using it:

  • It’s a connected technology – each client connected through SignalR is using a persistent and dedicated connection on the Web Server. SignalR is shared as scalable but it never harms to look for any queries around connections, memory, cpu, etc with higher number of clients.
  • One would need to setup a valid host server with a PORT open on it that can be used for communication. This could depend on an organisation security protocols and approvals.

Hope this gives a quick overview about SignalR. Keep learning!

Download entire code for lookup from here:

HttpClient single instance or multiple

Recently, we were working on a project that needed numerous HTTP requests to be made. Initial implementation had a new HttpClient object being created for every request being made. It looked to have some performance cost attached to it that led us to evaluate the effect of using single vs multiple instances of HttpClient.

Problem Statement:

Whats the best way to use HttpClient for multiple requests and the performance cost associated with it?


Went through the Microsoft documentation, which seemed updated based on last when I read few years back. Found a fineprint for myself that states:

HttpClient is intended to be instantiated once and re-used throughout the life of an application. Instantiating an HttpClient class for every request will exhaust the number of sockets available under heavy loads. This will result in SocketException errors.

This was a straight give away that we should use a single instance HttpClient – irrespective of a usecase, one would want to keep distance from SocketException errors (though probability of it would be high for heavy usage of HTTP requests).

Now, the query was how to have single HttpClient for multiple requests but with different request payload for the calls? Also, does this has any impact on performance of the calls and if so, how much?


I started with looking into performance aspect for the two options. Created a test application that helped evaluate the time taken for various number of requests. Tried with but seems they have some kind of check at 1000 requests so went ahead with that looked uniform till 5000 requests that I tried with.

for (var i = 0; i < noOfConnections; i++)
    using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
        var result = httpClient.GetAsync(new Uri("")).Result;
//having private static readonly HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient();
for (var i = 0; i < noOfConnections; i++)
    var result = _httpClient.GetAsync(new Uri("")).Result;

With the above, I got the following numbers on an average post few runs:

No of RequestsMultiple Instance (s)Single Instance (s)%age Diff

It looked like the difference peaked around 1000 requests and overall there was an improvement with single instance.

Now, given we had a usecase where multiple HTTP requests has to be made simultaneously but with different payloads, looked at how to achieve it with single instance. Keeping multiple types of requests, unit testing, high load – One possible way looked like below that worked out well for us:

// Single instance of HttpClientManager was setup
public class HttpClientManager : IHttpClientManager
    public HttpClientManager(HttpMessageHandler messageHandler)
        _httpClient = new HttpClient(messageHandler);
    private HttpRequestMessage SetupRequest(IRequestPayload requestPayload)
        var request = new HttpRequestMessage
            RequestUri = new Uri(requestPayload.Url)
        switch (requestPayload.RequestType)
            case RequestType.POST_ASYNC:
                request.Method = HttpMethod.Post;
                request.Content = GetHttpContent(requestPayload.ContentJson);
            case RequestType.PUT_ASYNC:
                request.Method = HttpMethod.Put;
                request.Content = GetHttpContent(requestPayload.ContentJson);
            case RequestType.DELETE_ASYNC:
                request.Method = HttpMethod.Delete;
            case RequestType.GET_ASYNC:
                request.Method = HttpMethod.Get;
                request.Method = HttpMethod.Get;
    public HttpResponseMessage ExecuteRequest(IRequestPayload requestPayload)
        HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage = SetupRequest(requestPayload);
        HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = _httpClient.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).Result;
        return httpResponseMessage;
    private HttpContent GetHttpContent(string contentJson)
        return new StringContent(contentJson, ENCODING, MEDIATYPE_JSON);

Since there are numerous articles on the web explaining details of the entire HttpClient workflow and inner details, I will not cover that here but a quick explanation on couple of key info. In the code above:

HttpRequestMessage is used to setup HttpClient object based on our need. We make use of the fact that HttpRequestMessage can be used only once. After the request is sent, it is disposed immediately to ensure that any associated Content object is disposed.

Making use of HttpClient underlying implementation, have used HttpMessageHandler more from the unit test point of view.


One should use a single instance of HttpClient at application level to avoid create/destroy of it multiple times. Further, results suggest this also has better performance with more than 12% improvement based on the load.

For multiple requests of different payloads, having a single instance HttpClient but a new HttpRequestMessage for every request looked a good approach to use.

P.S.: For .NET Core, Microsoft added a new interface around the same discussion to have better handle at HttpClient instance:

Entire code for lookup can be downloaded from here.

Extract node from XML having defined namespace using XPath in C#

At work, while working on one of the features, we had to get a specific node from an XML. Obvious choice was to use XPath.

Problem Statement

Ignoring specifics of XML, we directly put the XPath as expected and found that no node was found when we executed the path.
I had to look up on how to extract the deep embedded node we needed using XPath in such case.


We observed that the elements/nodes are bound to a namespace. When we tried the direct XPath, it was attempting to address elements that are bound to the default “no namespace” namespace, and thus nothing was retrieved.
Sample XML to work with:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SampleXmlRoot xmlns="">
<SampleXmlSubRoot someValue="21" xmlns="">
<SampleXmlLevel2Node id="101" xmlns="">
<SampleXmlNode2Extract num="2">
<A1 type="money">
<A2 type="money">
<A3 type="money">
<SampleXmlNodeOther num="2">
<B1 type="money">
<B2 type="money">

Based on what we observed and a quick reference, we learned that we need to register the namespace for namespace prefix mapping that will be used in defining the XPath.

Using XmlNamespaceManager object, we can provide a collection of namespace definitions that will be  used by CLR to resolve the elements used in the XML documents.


Step 1: Define XmlNamespaceManager

// xmlDoc is XmlDocument in which full XML is loaded
XmlNamespaceManager xmlnsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);

// Add the namespaces used in XML to the XmlNamespaceManager
xmlnsManager.AddNamespace("sxr", "");
xmlnsManager.AddNamespace("sxsr", "");
xmlnsManager.AddNamespace("sxl2", "");

Step 2: Use select method that is overloaded to use XmlNamespaceManager along with XPath
In our case, we will select the first XmlNode that matches the XPath expression where any prefixes found in the XPath expression will be resolved using the supplied XmlNamespaceManager.

String xPath = "/sxr:SampleXmlRoot/sxsr:SampleXmlSubRoot/sxl2:SampleXmlLevel2Node/SampleXmlNode2Extract";
XmlNode extractedNode = xDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPath, xmlnsManager);

XmlNode extracted OuterXml will look something like:

<SampleXmlNode2Extract num="2">
<A1 type="money">
<A2 type="money">
<A3 type="money">

Yep, that’s the exact one we needed!

MSDN: XmlNamespaceManager Class
MSDN: XmlNode.SelectSingleNode Method (String, XmlNamespaceManager)


XPath is a wonderful way to extract node(s) and we have defined methods in place to get them. We just need to know and learn about them. XmlNamespaceManager handles the namespace and helps in defining the XPath for a given XML.