Just reverse alphabets in a string?

Last week it was a simple problem that we discussed to tangle our brain.


Reverse only alphabets in a provided string in a most efficient way. (Special characters, numbers, etc should continue to stay at their original place)

First thought …

Okay, so first thought was to make use of an extra space and then we can get our desired result with two traversals of the string. Yeah, but let’s optimize.

Updated thought …

We can make the swaps in place in a single traversal. A good stopping criteria seems to be when index while moving from front crosses the index moving backwards from end.

Let’s write code:

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine($"Please enter a string:");

    // Ignore casing
    var inputString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
    char[] inputArray = inputString.ToCharArray();
            $"Reversed: {new String(inputArray)}");

static void ReverseAlphabetsOnly(char[] inputArray)
    int frontIndex = 0;
    int endIndex = inputArray.Length-1;
    char temp;

    while(frontIndex < endIndex)
        else if(!IsAlphabet(inputArray[endIndex]))
            temp = inputArray[frontIndex];
                 = inputArray[endIndex];
            inputArray[endIndex] = temp;


static bool IsAlphabet(char x) 
    return ( (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z') 
            || (x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z') ); 

// Input:  Le@rn By In$ig#t...
// Output: tg@in Iy Bn$re#L...

Closure …

Approach looks good, as it would be at maximum a single traversal with no extra space used. Thus we are able to solve it with an overall Order of Time complexity O(n) & Space complexity O(1).

Happy solving …

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