AWS re:Invent – Amazon Virtual Event 2020

Amazon is planning for AWS re:Invent 2020, a cloud learning virtual event that would be open for all for free. It is a conference for the global cloud computing community, hosted by AWS.

Full details of the events are here. Registrations are open.

Event is spread across 3 weeks: Nov 30 – Dec 18, 2020


Get inspired to build
Enjoy unlimited access to hundreds of sessions led by AWS experts. Hear from cloud leaders and be the first to learn what’s new.

Event highlight shared by AWS

There would be multiple interactive ways to learn. Like, Sessions with over 50 content tracks, Training & Certification to advance your professional skills, all mixed with some fun activities in between.

The world is moving towards cloud. Thus, it seems a good opportunity to see how various organizations are using the cloud to solve problems and the skills needed for it.

Happy connecting!

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How to solve Word Ladder Problem?

Sometime back, a colleague of mine asked me about the word ladder problem. She was looking for a change. So, I believe she stumbled across this while preparing for data structures and algorithms.


Problem Statement

Typically, the puzzle shared is a flavor of below:

Find the smallest number of transformations needed to change an initial word to a target word of same length. In every transformation, change only one character and make sure word exists in the given dictionary.


Assuming all these 4 letter words are there in the dictionary provided, it takes minimum 4 transitions to convert word from SAIL to RUIN, i.e.

Intent here is to know about Graph algorithm. So, what are graphs in context of algorithms and how do we apply them to solve such problems?

Graph Data Structure

Graphs are flow structure that represents entities connection with each other. Visually, they are represented with help of a Node (Vertex) & an Edge (Connector).


A tree is an undirected graph in which any two nodes are connected by only one path. In it, each node (except the root node) comprises exactly one parent node.

Most common way to represent a graph is using an Adjacency matrix. In it, Element A[i][j] is 1 if there is an edge from node i to node j or else it is 0. For example, adjacency matrix of above unidirected graph is:

  | 1 2 3 4
1 | 0 1 0 1
2 | 1 0 1 0
3 | 0 1 0 1
4 | 1 0 1 0

Another common way is via Adjacency list. (List format of the data instead of a matrix.)

Related Algorithms

Graphs are applied in search algorithms. Traversing the nodes and edges in a defined order helps in optimizing search. There are two specific approaches to traverse graph:

Breadth First Search (BFS)

Given a graph G and a starting node s, search proceeds by exploring edges in the graph to find all the nodes in G for which there is a path from s. With this approach, it finds all the nodes that are at a distance k from s before it finds any nodes that are at a distance k+1.

For easy visualization, think of it as, in a tree, finding all the child nodes for a parent node as first step. Post it, find all the grandchildren and hence forth.

Depth First Search (DFS)

Given a graph G and a starting node s, search proceeds by exploring edges in the graph to find all the nodes in G traversed from s through it’s edges. With this approach, we go deep in graph connecting as many nodes in the graph as possible and branch where necessary.

For easy visualization, think of it as, in a tree, finding all the family nodes for a parent node. With this, for a given node, we connect its children, grand children, grand grand children and so on before moving to next node of same level.

Thus, with DFS approach, we can have multiple deduced trees.

Knight’s tour is a classic example that leverages Depth First Search algorithm.

Shortest Path First OR Dijkstra’s Algorithm (SPF)

Given a graph G and a starting node s, search the shortest path to reach node d. It uses a concept of weights. It’s an iterative algorithm similar to results of BFS.

Many real world example fits in here, e.g. what would be shortest path from home to office.

With BFS (a simple queue), we visit one node at a time whereas in SPF (a priority queue), we visit a node at any level with lowest cost. In a sense, BFS follows Dijkstra's algorithm, a step at a time with all edge weights equal to 1. The process for exploring the graph is structurally the same in both cases. at times, BFS is preferred with equal weight graphs. This is because, operations on a priority queue are O(log n) compared to operations on a regular queue which is O(1).


I will be using a breadth first graph algorithm here based on the problem need:

import collections
from collections import deque 

class Solution(object):
    # method that will help find the path
    def ladderLength(self, beginWord, 
                        endWord, wordList):
        :type beginWord: str
        :type endWord: str
        :type wordList: Set[str]
        :returntype: int

        # Queue for BFS
        queue = deque()

        # start by adding begin word
        queue.append((beginWord, [beginWord]))

        while queue:
            # let's keep a watch at active queue
            print('Current queue:',queue)

            # get the current node and 
            # path how it came
            node, path = queue.popleft()

            # let's keep track of path length 
            # traversed so far
            print('Current transformation count:',

            # find possible next set of 
            # child nodes, 1 diff
            for next in self.next_nodes(node, 
                            wordList) - set(path):
                # traversing through all child nodes
                # if any of the child matches, 
                # we are good               
                if next == endWord:
                    print('found endword at path:',
                    return len(path)
                    # keep record of next 
                    # possible paths
                                path + [next]))
        return 0

    def next_nodes(self, word, word_list):
        # start with empty collection
        possiblenodes = set()

        # all the words are of fixed length
        wl_word_length = len(word)

        # loop through all the words in 
        # the word list
        for wl_word in word_list:
            mismatch_count = 0

            # find all the words that are 
            # only a letter different from 
            # current word those are the 
            # possible next child nodes
            for i in range(wl_word_length):
                if wl_word[i] != word[i]:
                    mismatch_count += 1
            if mismatch_count == 1:
                # only one alphabet different-yes
        # lets see the set of next possible nodes 
        print('possible next nodes:',possiblenodes)
        return possiblenodes

# Setup
beginWord = "SAIL"
endWord = "RUIN"
wordList = ["SAIL","RAIN","REST","BAIL","MAIL",

# Call
print('Transformations needed: ',
                            endWord, wordList))

# Transformation expected == 4
# One possible shortes path with 4 transformation:

Used deque (doubly ended queue) of Python

deque helps with quicker append and pop operations from both the ends. It has O(1) time complexity for append and pop operations. In comparison, list provides it in O(n) time complexity.

A quick look at the code workflow to validate if all nodes at a particular distance was traversed first and then moved to next level:

Current queue: deque([('SAIL', ['SAIL'])])

Current transformation count: 1
possible next nodes: {'BAIL', 'MAIL'}
Current queue: deque([('BAIL', ['SAIL', 'BAIL']), 
                      ('MAIL', ['SAIL', 'MAIL'])])

Current transformation count: 2
possible next nodes: {'SAIL', 'MAIL'}
Current queue: deque([('MAIL', ['SAIL', 'MAIL']), 
                      ('MAIL', ['SAIL', 'BAIL', 

Current transformation count: 2
possible next nodes: {'BAIL', 'MAIN', 'SAIL'}
Current queue: deque([('MAIL', ['SAIL', 'BAIL', 
                      ('BAIL', ['SAIL', 'MAIL', 
                      ('MAIN', ['SAIL', 'MAIL', 

Current transformation count: 3
possible next nodes: {'BAIL', 'MAIN', 'SAIL'}
Current queue: deque([('BAIL', ['SAIL', 'MAIL', 
                      ('MAIN', ['SAIL', 'MAIL', 
                      ('MAIN', ['SAIL', 'BAIL', 
                                'MAIL', 'MAIN'])])

Current transformation count: 3
possible next nodes: {'SAIL', 'MAIL'}
Current queue: deque([('MAIN', ['SAIL', 'MAIL', 
                      ('MAIN', ['SAIL', 'BAIL', 
                                'MAIL', 'MAIN'])])

Current transformation count: 3
possible next nodes: {'RAIN', 'MAIL'}
Current queue: deque([('MAIN', ['SAIL', 'BAIL', 
                                'MAIL', 'MAIN']), 
                      ('RAIN', ['SAIL', 'MAIL', 
                                'MAIN', 'RAIN'])])

Current transformation count: 4
possible next nodes: {'RAIN', 'MAIL'}
Current queue: deque([('RAIN', ['SAIL', 'MAIL', 
                                'MAIN', 'RAIN']), 
                      ('RAIN', ['SAIL', 'BAIL', 
                        'MAIL', 'MAIN', 'RAIN'])])

Current transformation count: 4
possible next nodes: {'MAIN', 'RUIN'}
found endword at path: ['SAIL', 'MAIL', 'MAIN', 

Transformations needed:  4
Overall path: ['SAIL', 'MAIL', 'MAIN', 
                               'RAIN', 'RUIN']


For above code that I used to find the shortest path for transformation:


In next_nodes, for each word in the word list, we iterated over its length to find all the intermediate words corresponding to it. Thus we did M×N iterations, where M is the length of each word and N is the total number of words in the input word list. Further, to form an intermediate word, it takes O(M) time. This adds up to O(M2×N).

In ladderLength, BFS can go to each of the N words and for each word, we need to examine M possible intermediate words. This adds up to O(M2×N).

Overall, it adds up to O2(M2×N) which would be called O(M2×N).


In next_nodes, each word in the word list would have M intermediate combinations. For every word we need a space of M2 to save all the transformations corresponding to it. Thus, it would need a total space of O(M2×N).

In ladderLength, BFS queue would need a space of O(M×N)

Overall, it adds up to O(M2×N) + O(M×N) which would be called O(M2×N)

Wrap Up

It could be little tricky and thus would need some practice to visualize the graph as well to write code for it.

Great, so now we know how to solve problems like word ladder problem. It also touch based other related common graph algorithms that we can refer to.

I had a read of the following reference and it has much more details if needed.

Keep problem solving!

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Learn Microsoft Tech via Videos & Live Streams

Recently, Microsoft has invested and made extra efforts into putting up the resources to learn.


Recordings …

This September, Microsoft launched Video Hub, a new resource home for Tech Community Videos and Interactive Guides to help learn everything about major Microsoft products.

Access: Microsoft Tech Community Video Hub

Live …

Yesterday (Mid October), Microsoft launched .NET Live TV, a one stop shop for all .NET and Visual Studio Live Streams across Twitch and YouTube.

To view, visit: .NET Live TV

Sometime back, Microsoft launched Learn TV. It is a place to find the latest digital content to be updated on the latest announcements, features, and products from Microsoft.

To view, visit: Learn TV

Discover your path …

As shared on the Microsoft’s Learning site, irrespective of which stage you are in your carrier – a fresher or an experience professional, material can help learn hands on and gain confidence faster.

You can choose topics, learn at your own schedule and even do Microsoft based certifications. It even has suggestions and ratings for popular topics to guide further.

Explore: Microsoft Learn

Well, seems knowledge is all there and pretty organized for the taking.

Keep learning!

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Just reverse alphabets in a string?

Last week it was a simple problem that we discussed to tangle our brain.


Reverse only alphabets in a provided string in a most efficient way. (Special characters, numbers, etc should continue to stay at their original place)

First thought …

Okay, so first thought was to make use of an extra space and then we can get our desired result with two traversals of the string. Yeah, but let’s optimize.

Updated thought …

We can make the swaps in place in a single traversal. A good stopping criteria seems to be when index while moving from front crosses the index moving backwards from end.

Let’s write code:

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine($"Please enter a string:");

    // Ignore casing
    var inputString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
    char[] inputArray = inputString.ToCharArray();
            $"Reversed: {new String(inputArray)}");

static void ReverseAlphabetsOnly(char[] inputArray)
    int frontIndex = 0;
    int endIndex = inputArray.Length-1;
    char temp;

    while(frontIndex < endIndex)
        else if(!IsAlphabet(inputArray[endIndex]))
            temp = inputArray[frontIndex];
                 = inputArray[endIndex];
            inputArray[endIndex] = temp;


static bool IsAlphabet(char x) 
    return ( (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z') 
            || (x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z') ); 

// Input:  Le@rn By In$ig#t...
// Output: tg@in Iy Bn$re#L...

Closure …

Approach looks good, as it would be at maximum a single traversal with no extra space used. Thus we are able to solve it with an overall Order of Time complexity O(n) & Space complexity O(1).

Happy solving …

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Dwell in Data Science world

Let’s walk into the Data Science world and see what it means and how does it connect with other terms that we often hear in the context – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning.


What is Data Science?

In a context of a particular domain, data science is gaining insights into data through statistics, computation and visualization. Below diagram represents this multi-focal field well:


For a real world problem, based on statistics, we make certain assumptions. Based on assumptions, we make a learning model using mathematics. With this model, we make software that can help validate and solve the problem. This leads to solving complex problems fast and more accurately.

How to use Data Science?

Clearly, it can be defined as a process. When followed, it would help move towards destination with proper next steps:

Adapted from: Harvard Data Science lecture slide

There are multiple iterative stages that solves specific queries. Based on answers to the queries, we might have to circle back and reassess the steps of the entire process.

Various stages involved?

Once we have a defined process, it’s easier to break it down into different functional groups. It would help us interpret how to visualize, connect them and know who can help us at each of those stage:

Credit: Rubens Zimbres article

There is a strong correlation of business intelligence with data science here. Current advancements in algorithms and tools has helped us improve accuracy for each of the stages above.

Where does AI or ML fits in?

Data Science, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning are different but often used interchangeably. There are overlaps and a part covers all of them together:


On a high level, part of the data science provides processed data. AI or ML or DL helps to process the data to get the needed output.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

It is a program that enables machine to mimic human behavior. As such, goal here is to understand human intelligence, learn to imitate and act accordingly. I came across a good AI exhibit by BCG:

Credit: BCG Group tweet

Self driving cars and route change suggestion are few common AI solutions

Machine Learning (ML)

These are AI techniques that enables machines to learn from examples, without being explicitly programmed to do so. It incorporates mathematics and statistics to learn from itself and improve with experience.


Recommendation engines & Spam email classification are few common ML solutions

I will cover Machine Learning in much more detail in later posts.

Deep Learning (DL)

These are subset of ML that makes the computation of multi-layer neural network feasible. It does not require feature selection/engineering. They classify information similar to human brains. They often continue to improve as the size of your data increases.


Face detection and number recognition are few common DL solutions

Moving On …

Overall, Data Science is more about extracting insights to build a robust strategy for business solution and is different from AI or ML.

To read more around differences between the Data Science and other terms, Vincent Granville has shared in detail here.

With above, we have entered into the Data Science world. Going forward, I will concentrate more on Machine Learning aspect for now.

Keep exploring!

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Three A’s of the Next Gen World!

There are many new ideas and research going on in today’s tech world. I believe the potential of maximum disruption is by the three A’s – Analytics, Automation & Artificial Intelligence. Because of their scope of evolution and impact, they tend to be the foundation of the next generation tech world.


A natural progressive way of doing it would be to:

  • first gather data (analytics)
  • define what’s crucial or repetitive that can be replaced to ease the flow (automate)
  • collate such multiple replaced things to move into predictive analysis and actions to complete a complex task (artificial intelligence)

Day by day, it looks more feasible to achieve above because of technology innovations and the processing power.


It is the first step towards anything more concrete and is a great supportive to theories and assumptions. Enables to have data backed decisions which are easy to relate and comprehend.

This would mean collecting data and making better use of it. This would need to have a data architecture setup. With it, it would be easier to know and decide what and how to collect. Post it, using any data visualization tool, it would be easier to deduce insights, patterns and plan accordingly.

It’s not about just any or more data, but the right, quality data that would matter


It is solving for complex processes using technology. Data analytics help a great deal identify and solve for such processes. These repetitive mundane tasks can be automated and the efforts saved from it can be put elsewhere. Thus helps in concentrating on tasks that needs more human attention.

Just like machines brought industrial revolution to factory floor, automation has similar potential to transform most of our day to day work. This could lead to enhanced productivity, thus better outcomes, leading to more accurate predictions and optimizations.

Only way to scale the massive amount of work in defined time without hiring an army of professionals

Artificial Intelligence

This is exploring the world that was considered impossible a decade ago by most of us. It is easier to relate and understand when comparing with human capabilities like recognizing handwriting or identifying a particular disease cell. Not just it, AI has great potential to automate non-routine tasks.

With AI, we can analyze data, understand concepts, make assumptions, learn behaviors and provide predictions at a scale with detail that would be impossible for individual humans. It can also have self-learning to improve with more and more interactions with data and human.

AI evolution is being greatly supported with advanced algorithms and improved computing power & storage.


There is a nice data backed assessment and shareout by McKinsey Global Institute on the three A’s. I would suggest a must read of it. In there, they shared AI/ML potential usecases across industries.

Credit: McKinsey & Co.

AI and Automation will provide a much-needed boost to global productivity and may help some ‘moonshot’ challenges.

McKinsey Global Institute

Wrap Up

AI combined with various Process Automation and powerful Data Analytics transforms into an intelligent automated solution. Potential of these solutions are huge.

It would be more appropriate to say that it’s no more a choice but compulsion for all sectors to go through this digital transformation. Those who are able to do it will be setup sooner for the next generation of the tech world. It will provide them with an edge over their competitors, putting them in a position to take advantage big time.

Keep exploring!

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Linear time partition – a three way split

Linear-time partition is a divide & conquer based selection algorithm. With it, data is split into three groups using a pivot.


An integral part of Quick Sort algorithm which uses this partitioning logic recursively. All the elements smaller than the pivot are put on one side and all the larger ones on the other side of the pivot.

Similar to discussion of Dynamic Programming, this algorithm plays on solving sub-problems to solve complex problem.


Post selecting the pivot, Linear-time partition routine separates the data into three groups with values:

  • less than the pivot
  • equal to the pivot
  • greater than the pivot

Generally, this algorithm is done in place. This results in partially sorting the data. There are handful of problems that makes use of this fact, like:

  • Sort an array that contains only 0’s, 1’s & 2’s
  • Dutch national flag problem
  • Print all negative integers followed by positive for an array full of them
  • Print all 0’s first and then 1’s or vice-versa for an array with only 0’s & 1’s
  • Move all the 0’s to the end maintaining relative order of other elements for an array of integers

If done out of place, (i.e. not changing the original data), it would cost O(n) additional space


Let’s take an example of: sort a array that contains only 0’s, 1’s & 2’s

First thought for such problem is to perform a count of 0’s, 1’s and 2’s. Once we have the counts, reset the array with them. Though it has time complexity O(n), it takes two traversal of the array or uses an extra array.

Below is an attempt to solve using Linear-time partition algorithm to avoid that extra traversal/space.

def threeWayPartition(A):
    start = mid = 0
    end = len(A)-1
    # define a Pivot
    pivot = 1
    while (mid <= end):
        # mid element is less than pivot
        # current element is 0
        # so lets move it to start
        # current start is good. 
        # move start to next element
        # move mid to next element to move forward
        if (A[mid] < pivot) :
            swap(A, start, mid)
            start = start + 1
            mid = mid + 1
        # mid element is more than pivot
        # current element is 2
        # so lets move it to end
        # current end is good. 
        # move end to previous element
        elif (A[mid] > pivot) :
            swap(A, mid, end)
            end = end - 1
        # mid element is same as pivot
        # current element is 1
        # just move forward: 
        # mid to next element
        else :
            mid = mid + 1
# Swap two elements A[i] and A[j] in the list
def swap(A, i, j):
    A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]

# Define an array
inputArray = [0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2]

# Call the Linear-time partition routine

# print the final result

# Outputs
# [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]

With a defined pivot, we segregated the data on the either side which resulted in desired output. Dutch nation flag problem or printing all negative first and then positive, or printing all 0s first follows the same code.

For moving all 0’s to end maintaining other elements order, we do a tweak in swap index to maintain order:

def threeWayPartition(A):
    current = 0
    nonzero = 0
    end = len(A)-1
    # define a Pivot
    pivot = 0
    while (current <= end):
        if (A[current] != pivot) :
            swap(A, current, nonzero)
            nonzero = nonzero + 1
        current = current + 1
# Swap two elements A[i] and A[j] in the list
def swap(A, i, j):
    A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]

# Define an array
inputArray = [7,0,5,1,2,0,2,0,6]

# Call the Linear-time partition routine

# print the final result

# Output
# [7, 5, 1, 2, 2, 6, 0, 0, 0]


With above algorithm approach, we solved our problem with Time complexity O(n) & Space complexity O(1) (with single traversal of the array)

It was fun solving!

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Data Science Virtual Conference 2020

Open Data Science Conference (ODSC) is one of the biggest specialized data science upcoming event, scheduled on December 8-9, 2020. Read details about the event here. Theme for the year is RETHINK AI.

Virtual Conference is spread across two days:
– December 8th – ODSC India
– December 9th – ODSC Asia & Pacific

The Largest Applied Data Science & AI Conference Returns to India!

Call for speakers are open for submission. Registration is open to book seat.


Learn the latest AI & data science topics, tools, and languages from some of the best and brightest minds in the field.

Event highlight shared by ODSC team

The conference promises to accelerate your knowledge on data science and related disciplines with insightful sessions, workshops and speakers from various fields. There would be speakers that include core contributors to many open source libraries and languages.

Happy connecting!

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Probability Distribution – An aid to know the data

A probability distribution helps understand the likelihood of possible values that a random variable can take. It is one of the must needed statistical knowledge for any data science aspirant.


Few consider, Probability distributions are fundamental to statistics, like data structures are to computer science

In Layman terms

Let’s say, you pick any 100 employees of an organization. Measure their heights (or weights). As you measure them, create a distribution of it on a graph. Keep height on X-Axis & frequency of a particular height on Y-Axis. With this, we will get a distribution for a range of heights.

This distribution will help know which outcomes are most likely, the spread of potential values, and the likelihood of different results.

Basic terminology

Random Sample

The set of 100 people selected above in our example will be termed as random sample.

Sample Space

The range of possible heights of the 100 people is our sample space. It’s the set of all possible values in the setup.

Random Variable

The height of the 100 people measured are termed as random variable. It’s a variable that takes different values of the sample space randomly.

Mean (Expected Value)

Let’s say most of the people in those 100 are of height 5 feet, 3 inches (making it an average height of those 100). This would be termed expected value. It’s an average value of a random variable.

Standard deviation & Variance

Let’s say most of the people in those 100 are of height 5 feet, 1 inches to 5 feet, 5 inches. This is variance for us. It’s an average spread of values around the expected value. Standard Deviation is the square root of the variance.

Types of data
  • Ordinal – They have a meaningful order. All numerical data fall in this bucket. They can be ordered in relative numerical strength.
  • Nominal – They cannot be ordered. All categorical data fall in this bucket. Like, colors – Red, Blue & Green – there cannot be an order or a sequence of high or low in them by itself.
  • Discrete – an ordinal data that can take only certain values (like soccer match score)
  • Continuous – an ordinal data that can take any real or fractional value (like height & weight)

In Continuous distribution, random variables can have an infinite range of possible outcomes

Probability Distribution Flowchart

Following diagram shares few of the common distributions used:

Based on above diagram, will cover three distributions to have a broad understanding:

Uniform Distribution

It is the simplest form of distribution. Every outcome of the sample space has equal probability to happen. An example would be to roll a fair dice that would have an equal probability outcome of 1-6.

Normal (Gaussian) Distribution

The most common distribution. Few would recognize this by a ‘bell curve’. Most values are around the mean value making the distribution arrangement symmetric.

Central limit theorem suggests that sum of several independent random variables is normally distributed


The area under the distribution curve is equal to 1 (all the probabilities must sum up to 1)

A parameter Mew drives the distribution center (mean). It corresponds to the maximum height of the graph. A parameter Sigma corresponds to the range of variation (variance or standard deviation).

Credit: Wikipedia

68–95–99.7 rule (empirical rule) – approximate percentage of the data covered by ranges defined by 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations from the mean

Exponential Distribution

It is where a few outcomes are most likely with a rapid decrease in probability to all other outcomes. An example of it would be a car battery life in months.


A parameter Beta deals with scale that defines the mean and standard deviation of the distribution. A parameter Lambda deals with rate of change in the distribution

Probability Distribution Choices

I came across an awesome representation of the probability distribution choices. It works as a cheat sheet to understand the provided data.

Wrap Up

Though above is just an introduction, believe it should be good enough to start, correlate and understand some basics of machine learning algorithms. There would be more to it while working on algorithms and problems while analyzing data to predict trends, etc.

Keep learning!

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Dynamic Programming – What, How & When

There are many programming techniques, which when applied appropriately to specific situation, leads to efficient results (either time wise or space wise or both). Dynamic Programming (DP) is one such optimization concept.


Not to be confused with Dynamic programming language or Dynamic type in C#

What is?

Dynamic programming is solving a complicated problem by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems and make use of past solved sub-problems.

Dynamic Programming is mainly an optimization over plain recursion.

Let’s use Fibonacci series as an example to understand this in detail.

Fibonacci Series is a sequence, such that each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…

When to?

It is best applied to problems that exhibits Overlapping Subproblems & Optimal Substructure.

Following is how our Fibonacci problem fib(4) breakdown would look like:

Problem tree for fib(4)

We can see that fib(0), fib(1) & fib(2) are occurring multiple times in the graph. These are overlapping subproblems.

Binary search tree would not fall into same category. There would no common subproblem by binary search definition itself.

We can see for optimal solution of fib(4), we would need optimal solution of fib(3) & fib(2) and so on. This tells it has optimal substructure.

Longest path problem does not exhibit as such. Optimal solution for longest distance between A & C might not be optimal for B & C that involves A.

How to?

It’s not an unknown or a new technique. Our brain do it almost all the time. Let’s use Fibonacci series as an example to understand this and then we will apply DP to solve it programmatically.

Logically …

Let’s say, I ask, what is the 4th number in the Fibonacci series? You would work from 0, 1, 1, etc and come to fib(4) = 2. Now, if I ask, what is the 5th number? Would you restart from 0, 1, 1..? Or you would just make use of fib(4) you just solved and get fib(5)?

You see – it’s obvious, you will make use of previous solved result and right away come up with fib(5) instead of starting from 0. In programming language, this is tabulation using calculated fib(4) & fib(3).

Tabulation is a technique of starting from smallest sub-problem and storing the results of entries until target value is reached.

Let’s say, now I ask to calculate fib(8). Our natural way of working on it would be to first find fib(7) & fib(6). In order to know fib(7), we will figure out fib(6) & fib(5) and hence forth. With fib(7), we already traversed through fib(6). This is another approach where we calculated the next subproblem and keep on storing them in case of need later. In programming language, this is memoization.

Memoization is a technique of storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again.

DP breaks the problem into sub-problems and uses memoization or tabulation to optimize. We will understand about them with examples below.

Programmatically in action …

In order to compare the optimization cost, we will use recursion as another way to solve the problem.

static void Main(string[] args)
    Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

    Console.WriteLine($"Fibonacci Recursive:");
    for (int i = 30; i <= 50; i+=5)
        var _ = FibonacciRecursive(i);
        Console.WriteLine($"{i}th took time: ({stopwatch.Elapsed})");

    Console.WriteLine($"Dynamic Programming:");
    for (int i = 30; i <= 50; i+=5)
        var _ = FibonacciDPTabulation(i);
        Console.WriteLine($"{i}th took time: ({stopwatch.Elapsed})");

static long FibonacciRecursive(int number)
    if (number <= 1)
        return number;
    return FibonacciRecursive(number-2) + FibonacciRecursive(number - 1);

static long FibonacciDPTabulation(int number)
    long[] arr = new long[100];
    arr[0] = 1; arr[1] = 1; 
    for( int x=2; x <= number; x++)
        arr[x] = arr[x-1] + arr[x-2];
    return arr[number];

With above code, we got the following output:

 RecursiveDP (Tabulation)DP (Memoization)
30th took time(00:00:00.0090536)(00:00:00.0002756)(00:00:00.0183122)
35th took time(00:00:00.0908688)(00:00:00.0000037)(00:00:00.0000009)
40th took time(00:00:00.9856354)(00:00:00.0000006)(00:00:00.0000011)
45th took time(00:00:10.7981258)(00:00:00.0000006)(00:00:00.0000008)
50th took time(00:02:24.8694889)(00:00:00.0000006)(00:00:00.0000008)

Difference is astonishing! DP is too fast in comparison. Just look at the 50th time difference.

With simple iterative approach, Fibonacci Series can be calculated in the same ballpark time as of DP. Current example is just to keep things simple and to understand the DP concept. Please look at the end of post for common examples that would clarify where DP would be of real help over recursion. (& iterative approach would be difficult to code)

Above approach of DP is considered Bottom-Up approach as we started with bottom (lowest term) and then moved to the highest one. This is tabulation. We keep on filling on the cache here till we reach the target.

Alternatively, there is a Top-down approach. We start solving from highest term and store solutions of sub problems along the way. This is memoization. A code for this approach would look like:

private static Dictionary<int, long> memo 
                    = new Dictionary<int, long>();

static long FibonacciDPMemoization(int number)
    if (number == 0 || number == 1) {
        return number;
    // see if we've already calculated this
    if (memo.ContainsKey(number)) {                
        return memo.GetValueOrDefault(number);

    long result = FibonacciDPMemoization(number - 1) 
                + FibonacciDPMemoization(number - 2);
    memo.Add(number, result);

    return result;

memoization is sometimes simpler to understand and write code because of it’s natural way of solving.

Generally, tabulation outperformes memoization by a constant factor. This is because of no overhead for recursion and can be stored as a pre-allocated array. We first calculate and store the value of a sub problem repeated most number of times here.

Few Common Examples?

  • Tower of Hanoi
  • Checkerboard
  • Egg dropping puzzle
  • Matrix chain multiplication

Details of these above problem can be read here.


Apart from avoiding problems that do not have Overlapping Subproblems & Optimal Substructure, one need to understand we are doing a trade here – space for time!

We can always discuss that though DP is using extra space to store the sub-problems data, but in turn helps save in memory calculation which could be expensive. Thus, in case of constrained space, we need to evaluate usage of DP.

Keep learning!

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