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New C# features I really liked!

There has been many new features added to C# over last few years. A recent survey in CodeProject community lead me to the thought of sharing what I find really helpful. It spreads from C# 6.0 to C# 8.0. Below few made writing code easy, more fun and have improved productivity.

Null Conditional Operator (?. & ?[])

They make null checks much easier and fluid. Add a ? just before the the member access . or indexer access [] that can be null. It short-circuits and returns null for assignment.

// safegaurd against NullReferenceException

if(address != null)
   var street = address.StreetName;
var street = address?.StreetName;

// safegaurd against IndexOutOfRangeException

if(row != null && row[0] != null)
   int data = row[0].SomeCount;
int? data = row?[0]?.SomeCount;

Null Coalescing Operator (?? & ??=)

Null-coalescing operator ?? helps to assign default value if the properties is null. Often, used along with null conditional operator.

if(address == null)
   var street = "NA";
var street = address?.StreetName ?? "NA"; 

Null-coalescing assignment operator ??= helps to assign the value of its right-hand operand to its left-hand operand only if the left-hand operand evaluates to null.

The left-hand operand of the ??= operator must be a variable, a property, or an indexer element

int? i = null;

if(i == null)
   i = 0;

Console.WriteLine(i);  // output: 0
int? i = null;

i ??= 0;
Console.WriteLine(i);  // output: 0

String Interpolation ($)

It enables to embed expressions in a string. With a special character $ to identify a string literal as an interpolated string. Interpolation expressions are replaced by the string representations of the expression results in the result string.

string address = string.Format("{0},{1}", HouseNo, StreetName);

log.Write("Address: "+ HouseNo.ToLower() + "," + StreetName);
string address = $"{HouseNo}, {StreetName}";

log.Write($"Address: {HouseNo.ToLower()}, {StreetName}");

Auto-Property Initializer

It helps declare the initial value for a property as part of the property declaration itself.

Language _currentLanguage = Language.English;
public Language CurrentLanguage
   get { return _currentLanguage; }
   set { _currentLanguage = value; }

// OR

// Improvement in C# 3.0
public Language CurrentLanguage { get; set; }

public MyClass()
    CurrentLanguage = Language.English;
public Language CurrentLanguage { get; set; } = Language.English;

using static

It helps to import the enum or static methods of a single class.

public class Enums
    public enum Language

// Another file
public class MyClass
    public Enums.Language CurrentLanguage { get; set; };
public class Enums
    public enum Language

// Another file
using static mynamespace.Enums

public class MyClass
    public Language CurrentLanguage { get; set; };


They are lightweight data structures that contain multiple fields to represent the data members.

# Initialize Way 1
(string First, string Second) ranks = ("1", "2");
Console.WriteLine($"{ranks.First}, {ranks.Second}");

# Initialize Way 2
var ranks = (First: "1", Second: "2");
Console.WriteLine($"{ranks.First}, {ranks.Second}");

It support == and !=

Expression bodied get/set accessors

With it, members can be implemented as expressions.

public string Title
    get { return _title; }
       this._title = value ?? "Default - Hello";
public string Title
    get => _title;
    set => this._title = value ?? "Default - Hello";

Access modifier: private protected

A new compound access modifier: private protected to indicate a member accessible by containing class or by derived classes that are declared in the same assembly. One more level of abstraction compared to protected internal.

// Assembly1.cs
public class BaseClass
    private protected int myValue = 0;

public class DerivedClass1 : BaseClass
    void Access()
        var baseObject = new BaseClass();

        // Error CS1540, because myValue can only be
        // accessed by classes derived from BaseClass
        // baseObject.myValue = 5;

        // OK, accessed through the current 
        // derived class instance
        myValue = 5;

// Assembly2.cs
// Compile with: /reference:Assembly1.dll
class DerivedClass2 : BaseClass
    void Access()
        // Error CS0122, because myValue can only
        // be accessed by types in Assembly1
        // myValue = 10;


It helps suspend evaluation of the enclosing async method until the asynchronous operation represented by its operand completes. On completion, it returns result of the operation if any.

It does not blocks the thread that evaluates async method, instead suspends the enclosing async method and returns to the caller of the method.

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class AwaitOperatorDemo
    // async Main method allowed since C# 7.1 
    public static async Task Main()
        Task<int> downloading = DownloadProfileAsync();
        Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Main)}: Started download.");

        int bytesLoaded = await downloading;
        Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Main)}: Downloaded {bytesLoaded} bytes.");

    private static async Task<int> DownloadProfileAsync()
        Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(DownloadProfileAsync)}: Starting download.");

        var client = new HttpClient();
        // time taking call - await and move on
        byte[] content = await client.GetByteArrayAsync("");

        Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(DownloadProfileAsync)}: Finished download.");
        return content.Length;

// Output:
// DownloadProfileAsync: Starting download.
// Main: Started download.
// DownloadProfileAsync: Finished download.
// Main: Downloaded 27700 bytes.

Default Interface methods

Now, we can add members to interfaces and provide a default implementation for those members. It helps in supporting backward compatibility. There would be no breaking change to existing interface consumers. Existing implementations inherit the default implementation.

public interface ICustomer
    DateTime DateJoined { get; }
    string Name { get; }

    // Later added to interface:
    public string Contact()
       return "contact not provided";

Wrap up

There are many more additions to C#. Believe, above are few that one should know and use in their day to day coding right away (if not already doing it). Most of it helps us with being more concise and avoid convoluted code.


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