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Make browser a basic html editor

While working on one of my recent blogs, I stumbled upon an HTML DOM property that looked interesting.

In past,

Well, no more. Seems we have a new property (surely it was not there few years back but introduced recently): document.designMode

I tried in Firefox, from menu items, go to: Tools -> Web Developer -> Web Console. Write:

document.designMode = "on"

Post this, you can edit the webpage text right in your browser!

Sample real use case could be providing a portion of page editable to users. Add that in an iframe and then turn the designMode of that to ‘on’:

iframeNode.contentDocument.designMode = "on";

A string indicating whether designMode is (or should be) set to on or off. Valid values are on and off

In IE, it would be under Developer Tools, and so on for other browsers.

Browser Compatibility

Nice to have something like it to to convert browser into a basic HTML editor! Keep learning.
